Read and Ride

Our Mission:

Create a culture of “Reading to Learn” for children by providing an incentive based structure to under performing elementary schools to help establish a foundation for academic success. 


From second to fifth grade, children go through a critical transformation as readers. Most beginning second graders are able to decode, to recognize key sight words, to comprehend simple texts, and to read with some degree of fluency. While decoding skills may develop in a fairly step-by-step progression, the skills mastered in the upper elementary grades emerge as children read in many genres and learn how to make sense of what they read a less straightforward process. Stage theorists point out that the upper elementary years are when children transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.”


Provide tutelage and incentives to increase literacy rates of youth regardless of their race, economic status, or intellectual capabilities. Present academic support in a manner that will foster confidence in reading, promote dignity, and self-respect.


  • Improved Literacy Skills: The Read and Ride program aims to enhance decoding skills, expand vocabulary, and improve comprehension, fostering overall literacy development in students.

  • Increased Confidence: By providing academic support in a positive and encouraging manner, the program helps boost students' confidence in their reading abilities, making them more willing to tackle new challenges.

  • Dignity and Self-Respect: The program promotes a sense of dignity and self-respect by recognizing and valuing each student's unique capabilities and providing a supportive environment for their academic growth.

  • Life-Long Love for Reading: Through engaging activities and incentives, Read and Ride encourages a love for reading, turning it into a lifelong skill and a source of enjoyment for students.

  • Critical Thinking Skills: As students transition from "learning to read" to "reading to learn," the program supports the development of critical thinking skills necessary for comprehending complex texts and making sense of information across various genres.

  • Cultural and Economic Inclusivity: The program's vision includes students regardless of their race, economic status, or intellectual capabilities, fostering an inclusive learning environment that celebrates diversity.

  • Academic Achievement: With targeted support during the crucial second to fifth-grade period, students are better positioned for academic success, laying a strong foundation for future learning.

  • Improved Fluency: Read and Ride incorporates activities that enhance reading fluency, allowing students to read more confidently and with greater understanding.

  • Personalized Learning: The program recognizes the individual needs of students and tailors its approach to provide personalized learning experiences, addressing specific challenges and strengths.

  • Preparation for Higher Education: By building strong reading and comprehension skills early on, the program prepares students for higher education, opening doors to future academic and career opportunities.


  • Enhanced Academic Performance: The Read and Ride program contributes to improved academic performance among students, positively impacting school-wide achievement metrics.

  • Positive School Culture: Implementing a program that promotes dignity, self-respect, and inclusivity contributes to a positive school culture, fostering a sense of community and support among students.

  • Increased Parental Involvement: The program's focus on literacy may lead to increased parental involvement in students' education, as parents recognize the importance of reading and actively support their children's learning.

  • Strategic Resource Allocation: By addressing literacy needs in the critical second to fifth-grade period, schools can strategically allocate resources to enhance overall educational outcomes.

  • Meeting Educational Standards: Read and Ride aligns with educational standards by targeting crucial literacy milestones, ensuring that schools are meeting or exceeding curriculum requirements.

  • Long-Term Educational Impact: Investing in students' literacy skills during the formative years creates a positive ripple effect, contributing to the long-term success of students in their academic journey.

  • Community Engagement: The program can serve as a focal point for community engagement, attracting support and involvement from local businesses, organizations, and volunteers interested in promoting literacy.

  • Data-Driven Improvement: By monitoring the progress of students involved in the program, schools can gather valuable data to assess the effectiveness of literacy interventions and make data-driven improvements.

  • Prevention of Academic Gaps: Early intervention through Read and Ride helps prevent the development of academic gaps, ensuring that all students have a solid foundation for future learning.

  • Positive Public Image: Schools implementing initiatives that prioritize literacy and student development create a positive public image, showcasing a commitment to the holistic growth of their students.